Friday 27 February 2009

Pamper Shock

New job. New gym. New shock.

Can't believe the fuss men make over their hair and pampering routine. Wash and Go is not the order of the day. Shower, assorted gels and sprays, five minute fuss over the misplacement of a single hair.

Get over it gentlemen; no one cares. Really.

Run Fishy Run

Six months off running nursing a dodgy achilles. No more.

I'm running again: slow, heavy and not far but running. I'd love to say I've used the downtime to perfect my swimming technique and cycling speed; wrong. Since August 2008 I have simply perfected my pie line.

First target of the season: Thames Turbo II on May 4th; overall time target of 1:08 including a 20 minute 5k. Hang in there Achilles.